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How To Make Additional Income As An Audio Professional When There's No Work

The post-production audio industry is facing unprecedented challenges, as highlighted by recent reports on the crisis in the UK film and TV industry. With fewer projects and shrinking budgets, audio professionals must explore alternative ways to sustain their livelihoods. Russ and Mike aim to provide practical, professional alternatives for generating income during these downtimes, leveraging existing skills in diverse and lucrative ways.

Some Words Of Caution

Don’t Do This

Some people think that a great way to create some additional income is to start making videos and sharing them on YouTube. Take it from us as YouTube veterans with over 37 million streams and over 150,000 subscribers, there’s no pot of gold for 99% of those making videos. You’d be better off delivering parcels for Amazon or driving for Uber, seriously. We use it to host videos and count any income from YouTube as a bonus, it certainly won’t pay bills for most people.

Don’t Work For Exposure

Working for free in return for exposure or work in the future doesn’t work. Exposure dollars are not accepted by shops and won’t pay the mortgage or put food on the table.

Tell The Truth

This industry is small, and if you say you can do something when you can’t, word will get out that you aren’t any good, and it is much harder to undo that negative reputation.

Principles You Can Apply

Now we’ve got those out of the way, let's consider some other ways to supplement your income when you don’t have any work. 

Before we get into more specific ideas, here are some general principles to consider. In essence, be prepared to reinvent yourself. Jobs for life are a thing of the past. Opportunities come and go. You need to be able to spot an opportunity and go for it. Is there something that you can do or learn to do that not many people can do?

For example, back in the early 2010s, Mike realised he needed to learn about loudness, and in his research, he realised that there weren’t many resources out there, so rather than helping himself, he wanted to help others, and so he put together a suite of training materials and promoted himself as a consultant and for a time travelled around Europe and the Middle East advising and training people on how to mix for loudness.

  • Consider Your Skills: Are any of your skills transferable? Can you retrain and fill a role that people need?

  • Study and Experiment: Not working means you have time to learn skills and techniques that are still in demand. Do your research, then upgrade your skills and practice. Be good at it.

Photo by Abdul Barie on Unsplash

Sound Design for Independent Projects

Sound design is another area where your skills can be in high demand. Independent game developers, podcasters, and small production companies often need professional sound design but cannot afford large studios.


  • Portfolio Building: Independent projects can enhance your portfolio, showcasing your versatility and creativity.

  • Networking: Collaborate with upcoming talents and creators, opening doors to future opportunities.

  • Creative Freedom: Indie projects often allow more creative input, letting you experiment and innovate.

How to Get Started:

  1. Networking: Join online communities and forums related to game development, podcasting, and indie films. Participate in discussions and offer your expertise.

  2. Showcase Work: Create a demo reel that highlights your sound design capabilities. Share it on your website and social media.

  3. Cold Emailing: Reach out to potential clients with a personalised email, offering your services. Highlight how your expertise can elevate their project.

Engaging with independent creators can not only provide immediate income but also build lasting professional relationships and a diverse portfolio.

Image: Audible

Audio Book Production

The audiobook market has seen significant growth, presenting a lucrative opportunity for audio professionals. High-quality audiobook production is in demand, and your skills in recording, editing, and mastering can be highly valuable.


  • Steady Demand: The audiobook industry continues to grow, with a consistent need for new titles.

  • Long-Term Projects: Audiobook production can be extensive, providing long-term work.

  • Diverse Genres: Work on a variety of genres, keeping the work interesting and varied.

How to Get Started:

  1. Partnerships: Connect with authors and publishers who are looking to create audiobooks. Attend literary events or join writing communities to network.

  2. Platforms: Join platforms like ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange), where you can find projects and collaborate with authors.

  3. Quality Focus: Invest in high-quality recording equipment and software to ensure your productions stand out.

By diving into audiobook production, you can tap into a growing market and secure consistent work, all while utilising your existing audio skills.

Photo by Emmanuel Ikwuegbu on Unsplash

Corporate and E-Learning Voiceovers

Another viable income stream is providing voiceover services for corporate videos, training materials, and e-learning courses. Companies constantly need professional-quality audio for various internal and external communications. You could team up with voice-over artists to come up with a compelling offer.


  • Wide Range of Clients: Corporates, educational institutions, and training platforms all require voiceover services.

  • Repeat Business: Satisfied clients often return for additional projects, creating ongoing income opportunities.

  • Professional Network: Working with corporate clients can expand your professional network and open doors to further opportunities.

How to Get Started:

  1. Direct Contact: Reach out to corporate clients and training organisations directly, offering your services. Highlight your expertise and previous work in similar projects.

  2. E-Learning Platforms: Join e-learning platforms like Udemy or Coursera as an audio expert, providing voiceover services for their courses.

  3. LinkedIn Presence: Use LinkedIn to market your services, connect with potential clients, and showcase your portfolio.

Voiceover work for corporate and educational projects can be a steady and reliable source of income, utilising your skills in a different but related field.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Technical Consulting and Training

Your deep technical knowledge can be invaluable to other audio professionals and companies. Offering consulting services or training sessions and workshops can be another excellent way to generate income.


  • High Demand: There is always a need for expert advice and training in the ever-evolving audio industry.

  • Flexibility: Consulting and training can be done virtually, allowing you to work with clients globally.

  • Professional Growth: Sharing your knowledge helps establish you as an expert in your field, enhancing your reputation.

How to Get Started:

  1. Identify Niche: Determine your area of expertise and target clients who would benefit from your knowledge.

  2. Portfolio: Create a portfolio of past consulting work or training sessions to showcase your capabilities.

  3. Marketing: Promote your services through your website, social media, and professional networks. Offer free webinars or introductory sessions to attract clients.

By offering consulting and training services, you can monetize your expertise and help others improve their skills, creating a mutually beneficial situation.

Licensing and Library Music

If you are a musician, creating and licensing music for use in TV, film, and online media can provide passive income. Many platforms allow you to upload your music and earn royalties whenever it is used.


  • Passive Income: Once your music is licensed, it can generate income with minimal ongoing effort.

  • Creative Outlet: Producing music for libraries allows you to explore different styles and genres.

  • Wide Reach: Your music can be used in a variety of projects, from commercials to independent films.

How to Get Started:

  1. Join Libraries: Register with music libraries such as AudioJungle, Pond5, and Epidemic Sound. Upload your tracks and optimise them for discoverability.

  2. Understand Licensing: Familiarise yourself with different licensing agreements and ensure you protect your rights while maximising earnings.

  3. High-Demand Genres: Focus on creating music in high-demand genres, such as corporate, cinematic, or ambient music.

Licensing your music can be a steady source of income, allowing you to profit from your creative efforts while you focus on other projects.

Independent Sound Effects Libraries

In audio post production, we all need sound effects. Creating and licensing sound effects for use in TV, film, and online media can provide passive income. You can create your own site to sell your sound effects or you can use a number of sites that provide independent sound effects producers a platform to market their wares.


  • Passive Income: Once you have recorded, edited and licensed your sound effects, they can generate income with minimal ongoing effort.

  • Creative Outlet: Producing sound effect libraries allows you to explore different styles and genres.

  • Wide Reach: Your sound effects can be used in a variety of projects, from commercials to independent films.

How to Get Started:

  1. Join Libraries: Register with sound effects sites like A Sound Effect and Sonniss. Upload your tracks and optimise them for discoverability.

  2. Understand Licensing: Familiarise yourself with different licensing agreements and ensure you protect your rights while maximising earnings.

  3. High-Demand Genres: Focus on creating sound effects that are less common. Think about all the times you struggled to find the right sound effect and start there. 

Licensing your sound effects can be a steady source of income, allowing you to profit from your creative efforts while you focus on other projects.

Photo by Ashish sunder on Unsplash

Live Sound Engineering for Events

Offering live sound engineering services for corporate events, conferences, and live streaming can be a rewarding way to use your skills in a different setting.


  • Immediate Income: Live events often pay well and provide immediate financial rewards.

  • Varied Work: Each event is unique, keeping the work interesting and dynamic.

  • Reputation Building: Delivering high-quality live sound can build your reputation and lead to more opportunities.

How to Get Started:

  1. Networking: Build relationships with event planners, venues, and production companies. Attend industry events and showcase your capabilities.

  2. Advertising: Promote your availability for live events through your website, social media, and professional networks.

  3. Reliability: Ensure you are known for your reliability and quality, as word-of-mouth referrals are crucial in this field.

Working as a live sound engineer can provide immediate and substantial income, while also expanding your professional network and skillset.

Pivoting To New Things

In these challenging times, diversifying your income streams is not just a strategy but a necessity. By exploring other professional opportunities, you can leverage your existing skills to generate additional income, ensuring financial stability even when traditional work is scarce.

The resilience and adaptability of the audio post-production community are its greatest strengths. By proactively seeking new avenues and staying connected with industry trends, you can navigate through this crisis and emerge stronger.

If you’ve pivoted to a new way of working using your existing skills, then share your experiences in the comments. What strategies have worked for you? How have you diversified your income in these challenging times? Your insights could inspire and help others in the community.

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